Newsletter article: Please see the short article at the bottom of this update and send it out via any newsletter or social media you can think of.
Very fun opportunity for Memorial Day weekend! We have been offered the chance to do mini “native plant tours” at each of the Meadows Farms garden center locations, when their native plants will be on sale. There are 24 time slots (all in the morning), so PLEASE help if you are in town. You can choose your day(s) and hours, but we must commit far in advance so they can get out their publicity. Please sign up here.
We also need volunteers to put “Plant NOVA Natives” stickers on the appropriate plants at those same nurseries. This can be done on your own time.
Influencing plant choices at the point of sale is the chance we have been waiting for, so please help out if you possibly can. You can’t all be going out of town for the holiday!
Other events in need of volunteers: No experience necessary. Please sign up here as well.
· Mother’s Day Climate Rally in Fairfax Sunday, May 6 1-3 pm
· Arlington Art Truck – As artist Kate Samworth leads people in a quick art project about Arlington’s flora and fauna, we will answer questions about native plants. Various times and locations starting June 7.
Do you live near the middle of Fairfax County? We need a volunteer who can keep a case of our Native Plants for Northern Virginia guides at home and dispense them to volunteers who are going to tabling events. We also need a volunteer to manage our “inventory” of signs and handouts and mail them to volunteers when needed. One person could do both small jobs, or they can be separated.
This month’s newsletter article – Please reprint or link to this article on social media and in any newsletter you can – work, faith community, HOA, club, PTA, etc.
Questions about native plants? This website is your “go-to” place!
Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? Do you want to join in the fun? The Plant NOVA Natives website has a ton of helpful information about landscaping with native plants in Northern Virginia. Recently revamped, this website is the place for you if
· You want to know why planting native plants is so important. (Short version: this is how we can rescue the birds, butterflies, and the rest of the living world, starting right where we live and work.)
· You want help choosing plants, creating habitat, solving specific landscaping challenges, or finding professional help.
· You want to help us spread the word about home habitat, either by reaching out through your own networks or working with us.
More and more people are discovering that the beauty and relatively low maintenance requirements of native plants make them the obvious choice. Let’s turn Northern Virginia into a model of how human habitation can coexist with nature.
Plant NOVA Natives is a joint marketing campaign of over forty private, public, and non-profit organizations and hundreds of individuals. Our mission is to educate the community and to promote the benefits to water quality and natural habitat of planting beautiful Northern Virginia natives, through the efforts of committed volunteers using multimedia outreach and events, and by working with local growers and sellers of native plants. All are welcome to participate in this collective action movement. Meeting times are on our calendar.
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