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Other resources (outside links)

Create Natural Landscapes Using Native Plants


Find Your Physiographic Province – Are you Coastal, Piedmont, or Mountain?

Map showing your county – Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation or refer to the physiographic section (page 30) of the Guide to Native Plants for Northern Virginia (pdf).


How To Check if Your Plant is a Northern Virginia Native (Coastal/Piedmont)

Pollinators! Bees, Beetles, Bats, Other Insects, Slugs!


Invasives That Threaten Your Yard, Investment, and Recreation


Proper Tree Planting and Care


Volcanoes in Virginia Killing Your Trees – What is Proper Mulching?


Organizations to Assist You and Expand Knowledge of the Natural World


Beyond the How-to’s: Good Reads (and Listens) to Inspire and Educate

Why we are doing this:

Bringing Nature Home, How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Douglas W. Tallamy. An excellent read - the book that started the popular movement.

Critical Issues in Biodiversity by Stanwyn Shetler


For gardeners:


Landscaping for Wildlife

For people interested in the natural environment:



John McGee’s The Native Plant Podcast

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