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October 2020 Update

At the bottom of this page, please see the short article on­­­­­ butterflies, and share it as widely as possible.

Are you on Facebook? Please share our posts! Our volunteers post very interesting material daily. We appreciate the “likes,” but if you want to help spread the word, please make a habit of sharing the posts to your timeline regularly.

Mini grants available for pollinator gardens and for bee-friendly farming in Loudoun and Prince William Counties! (Despite the program’s title, this is for both counties.) Act fast - the program opened 10/14/2020.

Microsoft is sponsoring this short term grant program. You need to gather a team of interested people and demonstrate that you have a plan, at which point they will give you the money (assuming they didn't spend it all on other people's projects already). Get started here. Details here.

Ask the Experts We continue our series of interactive videoconferences in which you can ask landscape designers for advice on improving your native plantings. Submit your questions and photos ahead of time if you can. Register on our website.

· Wednesday, October 21, 7:00 pm – Ana Ka’ahanui, Capital Nature

o Topic: Using iNaturalist as an engagement tool

· Thursday, October 22, 11:00 am – Barbara Ryan, Chain Bridge Native Landscapes

o Topic: Planning a pollinator landscape

· Wednesday, November 11, Noon – Adele Kuo, Deco Footprint

o Topic: Foundation plantings

Recordings of seven previous “Ask the Expert” events can be viewed on this YouTube playlist.

Create self-guided tours of your community or park – Mobile-friendly StoryMap tours can help you engage your neighbors in the native plant movement by showing them the life that surrounds them. Here is an example using Chapel Road Park. Email if you would like a volunteer to help you make one for your community.

Volunteers needed to help with the above project. J The software is quite user-friendly. Email

HOAs and Condo Associations: Planning and Managing Common Open Space

Join us for an engaging session on ecologically sustainable, community master planning and land management in Loudoun County. (The examples will be from Loudoun but the information is applicable anywhere, so all are welcome.)

The conference will be particularly geared toward community association decision makers: Board members, professional property managers, Architectural Review Boards, landscape companies, landscape committees, etc.

Saturday, October 24 1:00 – 4:00 pm Details here.

Partner with Audubon Naturalist Society to make your Loudoun community greener!

November 2020 through June 2022

The Audubon Naturalist Society’s (ANS) new Greening Your Neighborhood program for Loudoun County HOAs and Condo Associations can help you, residents, and Board members, enhance your community to be even more ecologically sustainable. This FREE program will get you the resources and skills you need to plan and lead a conservation project. Join ANS for an orientation session, two online workshops and "green infrastructure" tours for inspiration. ANS will be a resource for you as you complete a project in your community before June 2022 and drive real change right at home. Please share with friends and neighbors!

Not ready to sign up right away? No problem – join one of our online info sessions on October 20th or 28th. Learn more and/or register today!

Next Steering Committee meeting – via videoconferencing – All are welcome. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Details on our Event Calendar.

Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


Questions or comments? We're happy to help!  
Contact us here

Copyright 2023. Plant NOVA Natives. All Rights Reserved -

but you have permission to freely use our photos and text

except where you see a specific person credited.

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