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May 2020 Update

Do you enjoy our posts, on Facebook or elsewhere? If you are about to “Like” one of them, please hit “Share” instead, especially for the original material. (The same goes for Twitter and YouTube.) It is up to each of us to get the word out about how humans can contribute to the health of the local ecosystem by planting native plants.

At the bottom of this page, please see the short article on Lawn Care for Earth Renewal, and share it as widely as possible.

Sustainable Landscaping Solutions for Faith Communities videoconference  – Sunday, June 14  2 pm – 4:30 pm. Join us as we discuss how and why faith communities are using their places of worship to demonstrate stewardship of the Earth. Details and registration here. Please share that link with anyone you know who attends a faith community.

Sustainable Garden Tour starts Tuesday! This year’s event is virtual and spread out over the month of June and will consist of video tours lovingly made by eleven different gardeners. Front yard gardens and edibles are being highlighted, but many other ideas will be covered as well. Check this website for the schedule and links.

Rick Darke coming to Northern Virginia (virtually!)  “Lessons from the Living Landscape that is Our Home Habitat”

Rick Darke and his co-horticulturist wife Melinda Zoehrer have been creating and tending their home garden for more than a quarter century. The garden is a living laboratory, devoted to proving how residential landscapes can be beautiful, manageable, and joyfully livable while sustaining a vibrant diversity of plant and animal communities. In this presentation Rick will share insights and strategies from what continues to be an inspiring journey.

Rick heads RICK DARKE LLC, an independent design firm focused on conservation-based landscape design and management. His work is grounded in an observational ethic that blends art, ecology and horticulture. His projects include parks, botanic gardens, community landscapes and residential gardens. His many books include The Living landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden, co-authored with Doug Tallamy. 

When: 7:30 pm Monday, August 3 Where: via Zoom Sponsors: Audubon Society of Northern Virginia (ASNV) and Plant NOVA Natives. Registration will open after June 15 on the ASNV website. Questions? Email

Next Steering Committee meeting – via videoconferencing – All are welcome. Tuesday, June 30, 10:30 am. Details on our Event Calendar.

This month’s newsletter article to share – Please distribute as widely as possible. Use this link for social media.

Lawn Care for Earth Renewal

Let’s say you want to have a nice lawn, but you also want to be a good steward of the environment. Can you do both?

It turns out the answer is “yes.” Healthy yard practices can mitigate many of the problems caused by lawns. Because turf grasses are nonnative, lawns are ecologically useless and best minimized, but they have many uses such as human and pet playing surfaces and pathways for walking, and from an aesthetic perspective they make a nice contrast next to more complex plantings. It is possible to make small lawns neutral rather than actively harmful to the ecosystem.

The first thing to know is that turf grasses are native to Europe, which means they are poorly adapted to our local conditions. The conventional but destructive way to compensate for that is to add a lot of chemical inputs. The healthier alternative is to take a step back and realize that turf grass is a plant like any other, doing best when given good growing conditions. So we can start out by using turf grass only in areas where we can arrange those conditions without too much trouble and without harming the other beings that share our yards. Grass needs plenty of sunshine. To achieve good coverage in moderate shade requires reseeding it every year or two. You may be better off allowing shady areas to gradually reforest or creating a garden with shade tolerant native plants. Good coverage is more than just an aesthetic issue, since bare soil will erode and send sediment down to harm our waterways.

In sunnier areas, low-input lawn practices can yield excellent results, if not as regimented as a golf green. Here are the key steps to take.

  • Test the soil, if your lawn or landscape is underperforming or if it has been three years since your most recent soil test. An inexpensive soil test will let you know the pH and any macro or micronutrient deficiencies that need correcting. Libraries and Master Gardeners booths have soil testing kits which you can submit to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, or you can use a private company.

  • If the soil test indicates a deficiency, add organic matter. Like all plants, the roots of turf grass depend on the soil, including the fungal filaments that transport nutrients. The topsoil in many of our yards was stripped away during the construction process, leaving only the compacted clay subsoil. Adding compost (usually done in the spring, but any time is fine) restores the loose soil structure, nutrients and soil microbes that grass needs. A healthy soil (proper pH, nutrition, moisture and air levels, etc.) maintains a healthy and desirable microbial population. By contrast, adding chemical fertilizer kills the soil microbes and depletes the soil of its nutrients.

  • Adjust the pH, if needed. If the pH is less than 6 or 7, nutrients will be less available to the cool season turf grasses. If the soil test results indicate a low or high pH, adjust as recommended.

  • Maintain the height at 3.0 - 4.5 inches. Over 3.5 inches will look a little shaggier than we have come to expect but can help the plants thrive in challenging conditions and shade out undesirable weeds.

  • Do core aeration once or twice a year to provide essential oxygen to the root zone.

  • Overseed, if needed, after aerating in the fall. Shadier areas can be seeded spring and fall to maintain thicker turf cover.

  • Water new seedlings regularly. If you can’t keep them watered, they may die.

  • Avoid watering at other times. Overwatering makes the grass grow the juicy roots that grubs prefer.

  • Leave the clippings on the ground to provide organic material.

  • Leave the leaves when possible. A thin layer won’t hurt the grass, as some types of leaves will break down quickly and disappear over the winter. Thicker layers up to a point can be mulched and left in place to feed the soil. Try not to chop them up right away, though: give the butterfly pupa a chance to make their way to the ground. Wherever possible, leave the fallen leaves whole and in place to shelter the critters over the winter.

Of course, just because you can create a relatively harmless lawn, doesn’t mean a yard filled with lawn will support life. To give our birds, butterflies and bees the best chance of surviving, we will need to make native plants the default choice. But a judicious amount of lawn can be included in a strategy for creating habitats that are welcoming to all of us Earthlings. The Plant NOVA Natives website has details on how to manage lawn for a healthy ecosystem.

Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


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