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June 2019 Update

Another short article to share – At the bottom of this page, please see the short article about native plant gardens you can visit, and share it as widely as possible.

June 29: Training session for promoting native plants (with particular attention to HOAs) – Would you like to encourage your neighbors and colleagues to use more native plants? Would you like to work with your homeowners or condo association? See details and sign up here. Saturday, June 29, 9:30-12:30 pm.

Coming this fall: HOA symposiums – We plan to put on at least two (and probably more) symposiums that will be geared primarily toward HOA managers, Board members, landscape committees, and other decision-makers (though everyone is welcome.) Meanwhile, we are posting ideas as we gather them on the HOA/Condo Association section of our website.

Are there people in your HOA that we should invite? Please send us the contact information for any leaders or manager in your HOA (or condo association) who could be interested in attending, using this little form. We promise not to share the information with anyone else.

Volunteer opportunities –

· Helpers are needed at the June 9 Sustainable Garden Tour, which this year is being held in the Oakton/Vienna area. Sign up here.

· Volunteers are also needed Monday through Thursday mornings in the native plant garden at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens. Email Tammy Burke at

Prince William volunteer needed for library displays -

We need someone to put up and take down our displays from the public libraries, at the beginning and the end of the month. We have one reservation already starting July 1 and just need someone to do the leg work. Email if you can do this (or recruit others to help you do this.)

Native Plants for Landscape Professionals conference -

Professional landscape designers are starting to see the benefits of offering native plants to their customers. To equip them with the knowledge they need, we are putting on a conference on August 7 exclusively for professionals. If you know any landscape designers, architects, or other landscape professionals who might be interested, please pass along the invitation. Registration will open very soon. This conference is being co-sponsored by Plant NOVA Natives, Audubon-at-Home, Northern Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association, Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals, and Transurban, which is providing some seed money through their Express Lanes Community Grant Program.

Next Steering Committee meeting – All are welcome! Our next meeting is scheduled for July 2 at 10:30 am, but please always check our Event Calendar in case there is a change.

Newsletter article to share – Please insert this article in newsletters or link to it on our blog. (For posting on, use this URl instead.)

Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


Questions or comments? We're happy to help!  
Contact us here

Copyright 2023. Plant NOVA Natives. All Rights Reserved -

but you have permission to freely use our photos and text

except where you see a specific person credited.

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