Another short article to share – At the bottom of this page, please see the short article about City Nature Challenge and share it as widely as possible.
More volunteers needed to put red stickers on native plants at garden centers - We need volunteers at Stadler’s in Bristow as well as at Meadows Farms in Herndon, Great Falls, and Leesburg. Email This is a wonderful way to learn about native plants that are suitable for home landscaping.
Upcoming native plant sales - Native plant sales are starting now. You can also find native plants at conventional year-round nurseries and our native-only nurseries.
Can you sign up for one or two events this spring? Please help out for a few hours at one of our tabling opportunities. No experience necessary, just a basic understanding of the role of native plants in improving our local ecosystem. Please sign up here.
4/22 – Fairfax County Employees Earth Day
4/23 – School Environmental Action Showcase at GMU
4/25 – Annandale Campus NVCC Green Festival
4/25 – DEA Earth Day
4/27 – Northern Alexandria Native Plant Sale
5/5 – Reston Home and Garden Show
5/5 – Huntley Meadows Park Wetlands Awareness Day
Interested in outreach to HOAs? We are in the process of planning symposiums and other outreach methods to homeowners associations and would very much welcome your help with planning. Email
Next Steering Committee meeting – All are welcome! Our next meeting is scheduled for April 30, but please always check our Event Calendar in case there is a change.

Newsletter article to share – Please insert this article in newsletters or link to it on our blog. (For posting on, use this URL instead.)