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July 2017 update

Updated: Apr 25, 2018

Lots going on! – This month’s update is short, but a lot is happening behind the scenes, including planning for library exhibits and faith community outreach, and brainstorming about creating signs to put on (or under) street trees. If you would like to join the planning fun, come to our Steering Committee meetings. Times and dates can be found on our event calendar.

Dress up as a cuddly pollinator– If you are ready to shed your inhibitions, volunteer to walk around in costume with a sign saying “Ask me why I need native plants,” selling the native plant guides. We have several events in mind, including one on September 2. Contact

Spanish speakers needed for the September 24 Manassas Latino Festival. Let us know if you can help.

This month’s newsletter article – Please reprint these articles on social media and in any newsletter you can – work, faith community, HOA, club, etc. Or link to them on our blog, which includes previous articles in this series.

Shopping for plants? Try our free, searchable app for Northern Virginia!

Have you ever brought home a shrub from the garden center only to discover that you had accidentally purchased a shady swamp plant to put in your sunny dry area? You can avoid these sad mistakes in the future by quickly consulting the Plant NOVA Natives app.

📷This app can be used on a computer but is also mobile-friendly for use on smart phones. You can search by plant category (shrub, tree, perennial, etc), sun and moisture requirements, bloom time, height, and soil type. Perhaps you are looking for flowers to attract hummingbirds or butterflies? You can also search by wildlife value.

Each plant listing contains those details plus a deer resistance rating and tips on gardening.

All 279 plants are native to Northern Virginia, of course, which means that in addition to being beautiful, they will never need fertilizing and will require watering only until they are established (assuming you actually paid attention and bought a sun-loving plant for that sunny spot!). Best of all, they have evolved within the local ecosystem and therefore support the birds, butterflies, frogs, etc. that live in our community and who so desperately need our help to thrive.

The app can be found at If you use your smart phone to open the web page with the full-browser version, you can then save it as an icon on your home screen to give you instant access as you wander around your local nursery/

Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


Questions or comments? We're happy to help!  
Contact us here

Copyright 2023. Plant NOVA Natives. All Rights Reserved -

but you have permission to freely use our photos and text

except where you see a specific person credited.

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