See our photo section for examples of native plants serving as ground covers.
Just want one simple choice?
If we have to name one native species to replace English Ivy or the other invasive non-native species (such as Japanese Pachysandra, Vinca, Liriope, or Yellow Archangel), hands-down the choice would be Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea). It holds all these charms:
Highly effective at keeping down weeds
Spreads steadily on its own (some may find it spreads more than they want)
Beautiful yellow flowers in early spring
Tolerates full sun to full shade, dry or moist conditions (just not the combination of full sun and dry.)

Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea).
Strong seconds for spring color
Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia) is another good choice
Semi-evergreen - the leaves turn brown but persist as a groundcover all winter
Spreads steadily sideways, with minimal self-seeding
Spires of white flowers in mid spring
Tolerates full sun to full shade but needs moist soil

Green-and-gold (Chrysogonum virginianum) works well when you want something very low growing
Spreads steadily sideways, with minimal self-seeding
Long-blooming yellow flowers in mid to late spring
Tolerates full sun to full shade, dry or moist
Easily transplanted and multiplied by lifting at the edge

Groundcovers are used to suppress weeds and to fill in the bottom layer of landscapes with a minimum of work. (Of course, in nature, these are simply the plants that constitute the ground layer, an essential part of the ecosystem.) There is no doubt that the notorious English Ivy, Vinca, Yellow Archangel, and Japanese Pachysandra cover the ground thoroughly and have the added appeal of being easy and inexpensive to install - small numbers of plants will quickly fill in a large area. Unfortunately, they are also invasive introduced plants that escape into our woods and damage the ecosystem.
If you are seeking a native plant that is equally fast-spreading and inexpensive (often free), you could use Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper). It will climb right up your house and shrubs, though, so beware. Viola sororia (Common Blue Violet) spreads prolifically by self-seeding and may be another source of free but aggressive groundcover.

Virgina Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia)
Most other native groundcovers spread more slowly. To achieve a quick cover, space them closely, as suggested in the table below. You can save money by ordering small plugs online.
From an ecosystem perspective, it is best to think of these plants more as the ground layer, where numerous insects shelter, than as just a "groundcover." Aesthetically, it is usually more pleasing to have some variety rather than a monoculture of a very low-growing plant. For example, you can dot some Seersucker Sedge within a mass of Woodland Phlox, or some evergreen ferns within an expanse of Green-and-Gold to get some height variety.
In a sunny area, it is very difficult for any low-growing plant to compete with grass that seeds itself in, so unless you want to spend your time weeding, there is a lot to be said for using taller shrubs, trees, or native ornamental grasses, or possibly some aggressively spreading perennials such as one of the Mountain Mint species. If you don’t mind more weeding, low-growing choices for full sun include Phlox subulata, Salvia lyrata, Sisyrinchium angustifolium, Packera aurea and some of the Carex species (where there is enough moisture). Antennaria plantaginifolia (Plantain Pussytoes) grows flat on the ground in full sun on poor soil.
See below. Most groundcovers work best in shade.

Packera aurea and Carex amphibola
In places with high deer pressure, grasses, sedges and ferns are the safest bet. Of the ferns, Matteuccia struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern) and Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Hay-Scented Fern) spread the fastest but are deciduous. Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas Fern) and the Dryopteris species are evergreen but clumping, not spreading.
Evergreen groundcovers
Carex amphibola (Creek Sedge)
Carex pensylvanica (Oak Sedge)
Carex flaccosperma/glaucodea (Blue Wood Sedge)
Carex laxiculmis (Creeping Sedge)
Carex plantaginea (Seersucker Sedge)
Carex stricta (Tussock Sedge)
Geranium maculatum (Wild Geranium)
Packera aurea (Golden Ragwort)
Phlox subulata (Creeping Phlox)
Chrysogonum virginianum
Heuchera americana (Coral Bells)
Heuchera villosa (Hairy Alumroot)
Phlox divaricata (Woodland Phlox)
Tiarella cordifolia (Foamflower)

Phlox divaricata
Tough, reliable plants (when sited correctly) that are suitable for residential and commercial landscaping
(Click here to view as a Google spreadsheet)
SciNameKey | Scientific name | Common name | Available | Height (feet) | Width (feet) | Light | Water | Deer resistant | Notes | Native status |
Asarum_canadensis | Asarum canadensis | Wild Ginger | Native and some other nurseries | 0.5-1 | 1-1.5 | Part sun - Shade | Moist | Yes | Space at 10 inches. Spreads slowly by rhizomes. Tolerates heavy shade, wet. Erosion control. | NOVA |
Carex_amphibola | Carex amphibola | Creek Sedge | Mail order | 1 | 1 | Full sun - shade | Dry - Moist | Yes | Space at 12 inches. Evergreen. | NOVA |
Carex_appalachica | Carex appalachica | Appalachian Sedge | Native and some other nurseries | 1 | 0.75 | Full sun - part shade | Moist | Yes | Space at 10 inches | NOVA |
Carex_blanda | Carex blanda | Common Wood Sedge | Mail order | 0.5 | Part sun - shade | Dry-Moist | Yes | Space at 2 feet. Excellent substitute for Liriope. Spreads by rhizomes. Evergreen. | NOVA | |
Carex_flaccosperma | Carex flaccosperma | Blue Wood Sedge | Mail order | 0.5-1 | 0.5-1 | Part sun - Shade | Yes | Space at 12 inches. Salt tolerant. Drought tolerant once established. Erosion control on banks. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA | |
Carex_laxiculmus | Carex laxiculmus | Creeping Sedge | Mail order | 0.5-1 | 0.5-1 | Part sun - Shade | Moist-Wet | Yes | Space at 12 inches. Tolerates wet. Good substitute for Liriope. Evergreen | NOVA |
Carex_pensylvanica | Carex pensylvanica | Oak Sedge | Common | 0.5-1 | 0.5-1 | Part sun - Shade | Dry-Moist | Yes | Space at 10 inches (1-2 inches for best erosion control). Can be mowed. Great in dry shade. Spreads by rhizomes. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA |
Carex_plantaginea | Carex plantaginea | Seersucker Sedge | Mail order | 0.75 | 0.75-1 | Part sun - Shade | Moist | Yes | Space at 10 inches. | NOVA |
Carex_stricta | Carex stricta | Tussock Sedge | Mail order | 1-3 | 1-2 | Full sun - Part sun | Moist-Wet | Yes | Space at 12 inches. Spreads by rhizomes. | NOVA |
num_virginianum | Chrysogonum virginianum | Green-and-
Gold | common | 0.5-1 | 0.75- 1.5 | Part sun - Shade | Dry-Moist | Yes | Spread sideways by rhizomes. Yellow flowers, long spring bloom time. Can be quickly propagated: lift at the edge, cut behind the node, leave one or two leaves and stick in dirt. | NOVA |
Geranium_maculatum | Geranium maculatum | Wild Geranium | Common | 1-2 | 1-2 | Full sun - Part sun | Dry-Moist | Space at 12 inches. Pink flowers in late spring - summer. Spreads by rhizomes, good for massing beneath taller shrubs and trees. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA | |
Heuchera_americana | Heuchera americana | Alumroot, Coral Bells | Common | 1-2 | 1-2 | Full sun - Part sun | Dry-Moist | Space at 12 inches. Tolerates drought if it gets some shade. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA | |
Heuchera_villosa | Heuchera villosa | Hairy Alumroot | Common | 1-1.5 | 1.5-2 | Part Sun - Shade | Dry-moist | Yes | Space at 18-24 inches. White summer flowers. | Virginia |
Packera_aurea | Packera aurea | Golden Ragwort | Common | 0.5-2.5 | 0.5-1.5 | Sun or shade | Dry-Moist | Yes | Space at 12 inches. Basal foliage provides the ground cover. Yellow flowers in spring. Spreads sideways and by seed. Tolerates wet. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA |
Phox_divaricata | Phox divaricata | Woodland Phlox | Common | 1-1.5 | 0.75- 1.5 | Part Sun - Shade | Dry-Moist | null | Space at 10 inches. Blue spring flowers. Evergreen. | NOVA |
Phlox_stolonifera | Phlox stolonifera | Creeping Phlox | Common | 0.5 | 0.75- 1.5 | Part Sun - Shade | Moist | Yes | Space at 10 inches. Mat-forming, spreads indefinitely. Drought tolerant. Provide good air circulation to avoid powdery mildew. Be careful not to rake it up. Semi-evergreen. | Virginia |
Phlox_subulata | Phlox subulata | Creeping Phlox | Common | 0.5 | 1-2 | Full sun - Part sun | Dry | Yes | Tolerates drought. Erosion control. Evergreen. | NOVA |
Rhus_aromatica_'Low-Gro' | Rhus aromatica 'Low-Gro' | Fragrant Sumac 'Low-Gro' | Common | 2 | 8 | Full Sun - Part Shade | Dry | Yes | Suckering, spreads quickly. Can handle very hot and poor soils. The Gro-Low cultivar spreads sideways up to eight feet and can server as ground cover. Erosion control. Salt tolerant. | NOVA |
Sedum_ternatum | Sedum ternatum | Woodland Stonecrop | Native and some other nurseries | 0.5 | 1-1.5 | Part sun - Shade | Dry - moist | Space at 10 inches. Lovely fall color. Dry shade. Containers | NOVA | |
Tiarella_cordifolia | Tiarella cordifolia | Foamflower | Common | 8" | 1-2 | Part sun | Moist | Space at 12 inches. White spring flowers. Needs a little moisture. The straight species and some of the cultivars spread similarly to English Ivy. Containers. Be aware there are many cultivars and hybrids. Grows well around tree roots. Semi-evergreen. | NOVA |
The chart lists plants that are particularly suitable for professional landscapers: tough, reliable, widely available, and practical to install even in larger areas. There are many less commonly used alternatives, though, which we describe here.
Carex species not included in the chart -
Carex swanii (Swan Sedge) - full sun to part shade, consistently moist.
Carex molesta (Troublesome Sedge) - can be grown from seed. Sun to part sun, moist or wet.
Carex rosea (Rosy Sedge) - can be grown from seed. Part sun - shade, dry or wet.
Carex tonsa (Shaved Sedge) - full sun to part sun, dry or medium.
Carex woodii (Wood's Sedge) - part-sun - shade, dry or moist. Mount Cuba found this to be the best performer of all the sedges, forming a dense, attractive, semi-evergreen mat that suppresses weeds.
Chasmanthium latifolium (Northern Sea Oats) - Tough and versatile, but best used where it can be controlled in a confined space such as a parking lot median.
Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oat Grass) - tricky to establish, needs acidic soil.
Juncus tenuis (Path Rush) - Able to tolerate much more soil compaction and disturbance from walking or even driving than most sedges. Given its more erect habitat it can be mowed periodically with no ill effect once established. Can tolerate a wide range of moisture and sunlight requirements making it the most robust option but less showy than many sedges. Semi-evergreen.
Erigeron pulchellus (Robin’s Plantain) - spreads by rhizomes; creeps and covers. Pretty flowers in spring.
Eurybia divaricata (White Wood Aster) - self seeds and gradually covers the woodland floor. Fall flowers.
Iris cristata (Dwarf Crested Iris) - spreads politely to form a dense colony. Purple flowers in mid spring.
Maianthemum canadense (Canada Mayflower) - while a rapid grower, it is shallow-rooted and easily plucked up, and will grow around other shade plants. White flowers in May.
Meehania cordata (Meehen's Mint) - spreads slowly by runners in shade. Blue flowers in late spring.
Mitchella repens (Partridgeberry) - won’t suppress weeds (in fact weeds and leaves will suppress it) but it is one of very few plants that thrive right at the base of large trees, and it is very cute!
Solidago flexicaulis (Zig-zag Goldenrod) - sun or part shade. Yellow fall flowers.